
Visiting new beach

  Pantai Arung Parak  

Media Pembelajaran

Media pembelajaran adalah alat bantu yang digunakan oleh guru di dalam proses belajar mengajar sebagai sarana pembawa pesan dari guru kepada peserta didik.  Media pembelajaran dapat membantu guru dalam menyampaikan pesan-pesan kepada peserta didik. Dalam hal tertentu ia bisa mewakili guru dalam menyampaikan pesan dengan lebih tepat dan efisien.  Dalam menyiapkan media pembelajaran, peserta didik hendaknya juga dilibatkan sehingga rasa kebermaknaan, rasa memiliki, akan muncul dari peserta didik tersebut. Setiap media pembelajaran memiliki karakteristiknya sendiri-sendiri. Sehingga tidak ada media pembelajaran yg dianggap lebih unggul dari yang lainnya. Apapun media yang digunakan, tujuan akhirnya adalah untuk memudahkan peserta didik menerima pesan yang ingin disampaikan.  Media pembelajaran yang baik bukan hanya sebagai ice breaker pengisi waktu luang ataupun untuk melepas kepenatan peserta didik, namun hendaknya juga menyatu dengan tujuan pembelajaran yg sedang dil...

Fitur Esensial Sebuah Laptop

A new laptop should have new features that differ it from the older version. Since owning the first laptop in 2008, the capabilities of a laptop has slightly improved. At the very beginning, a laptop was used for typing and listening to Winamp only. Of course it is also used for photo viewing as well as video player. The latter was not very popular at that time since the video service was not available yet. Clearly the use of laptop is limited to typing, listening to music, taking photos with the front vga camera, and play some light games. My first laptop Emachine It is now Year 2020 already. The evolution of a laptop is actually just happen recently. To be short, from 2008 to 2018 was 10 year without any major changes. People who bought new laptop during these years just got the same piece of device again and again. But, now in 2020. More changes has happen recently. We can see that now a laptop has built with touchscreen, a stylus, has convertible design, has graphic ca...

Most beautiful irregular verb cards

Recently I asked the students to create irregular verb card. And here are some of the best-looking cards of theirs. By: Lola By: Solindar By: Sonia By: Siti Aisah By: Putri Sumiati By: Leli By: Devi Pratiwi By: Yoga of X APAT

Trip to Sajingan

Sudah lama sekali rasanya tidak berpetualang bersama team adventure. Berbagai rencana telah dibuat namun tak satupun yang terwujud. Oleh karena itu demi menjaga semangat petualang akhirnya diputuskan setelah ulangan untuk kembali beradventure. Kali ini destinasi yang dituju berada di sebelah utara, tepatnya di perbatasan Indonesia Malaysia, Aruk. Border Indonesia Malaysia Waterfall in Sajingan  

My Trip to Temajok

Last year holiday, my friends and I went to Temajok village. Temajok is recently very popular with its beautiful beach. Besides, it has also many popular spots. The trip would take for about 3 hours by using motorcycle from SMKN 1 Paloh in Tanah Hitam because the road was mostly just ground covered by dust.  Tugu Garuda We arrived in the village at 10 a.m. First we stopped at Tugu Garuda. Tugu Garuda was build as a symbol of Nationalism since Temajok is located near the border of Indonesia-Malaysia.  Vacation to Pontianak   We continued our trip to Teluk Atong beach which only a few minutes from Tugu Garuda. On arrival at Teluk Atong, we had been very tired so we decided to have lunch first. We had lunch at a small hut while enjoying the beautiful scenery of the beach. We continued our trip to Teluk Atong beach which only a few minutes from Tugu Garuda. On arrival at Teluk Atong, we had been very tired so we decided to have lunch first. We h...